Eliminate cognitive misunderstandings and become a better inventory manager!

Inventory control is an important part of enterprise warehousing management. It aims to reduce inventory levels as much as possible and improve the efficiency of the logistics system by reasonably controlling the enterprise’s inventory levels on the premise of meeting customer service requirements, so as to improve the enterprise’s market share. Competitiveness. In the process […]

Make a square inch infinitely larger with the magic of Huangqiu Shelves

Following Premier Li Keqiang’s call for “mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship”, domestic companies of all sizes have sprung up. According to a report from a third-party research agency, since 2016, the growth rate of newly registered companies has It was 24.5%, with an average of 15,000 new households added every day. As a result, the […]

Decryption of the hidden functions of Huangqiu Shelves one-stop service

As we all know, Huangqiu Shelves is an enterprise specializing in the production and sales of shelves and is a leader in the shelf industry. Its products include: light warehouse shelves, medium warehouse shelves, heavy warehouse shelves, storage pallets, supermarket shelves, storage accessories and other products. But there are some services that you don’t know […]

Blooming brilliance at the juncture of the times. Twenty years of Huangqiu Shelves

Every era will give birth to legends unique to that era. Huang Bo, known as the “7 billion movie king”, once said: “Era will not stop you from shining, but you can’t cover anyone else’s brilliance.” The same is true for enterprises. During China’s rapid development in the past two decades, a large number of […]